Monday, May 2, 2011

Personal Responsibility

Personal responsibility is very important to my mental illness recovery. Mental illness isn't the measles. I can't go to the doctor and say fix this. I have to play an active role in my recovery.

Personal responsibility means I have to do whatever I can to recover from and maintain wellness with my mental illnesses. That includes being compliant with my medications, keeping appointments, and partnering with my providers in developing my treatment plan.

I cannot withhold information from my psychiatrist or therapist. I can't tell my providers that I'm not sleeping well and leave out I'm having a lot of nightmares. My psychiatrist will probably adjust my medications to provide better sleep and my therapist will most likely take a cognitive behavioral approach to foster better sleeping patterns.

When these efforts do not work, I can't go around complaining I'm still having problems with sleep. With full disclosure my psychiatrist would more than likely prescribe different medications and my therapist would take a whole different approach to the problem.

Are you holding back information from your providers? Do you actively participate in your treatment planning? On a scale of 1-10, one being no participation at all, where is your personal responsibility?

Next time I'll discuss education as it pertains to mental health recovery. 

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