Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Isolation and Libraries

September is National Library Card Sign-Up Month. I'm noting that in the Peer Support Corner because the central library in Baltimore was the first place I used to help me break my isolative behavior.

It made me leave the house to catch the bus. I had to stand at the bus stop with other people. I  forced myself to interact with the other people. I quickly realized the interaction made the experiece more enjoyable. I am naturally shy when I don't have a role to play (like trainer or presenter) so this helped me get out of my comfort zone. Getting out of my comfort zone helped me understand "going out on a limb" can be rewarding because that is where the fruit is.

Once at the library I was in heaven. I'm an information junkie and to literally be standing in the middle of hundreds of thousands of books and film was almost pure ecstacy. I would get lost in the crowd of both people and books for hours on end. I still love going to that library. Our main library also has  free classes, classes for small fees, film showings, lectures, exhibits, and  internet access. It is the original cheap thrill.

Did you know there are over 50 ways to use a library card? Find out more here .
Think librarians are dull? Find out how some are pimping their bookcarts .
What the book you read in public says about you .
Finally, the fight over President Obama's library .

Check out your town's main library. It may be therapeutic!

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